VHC - Virus Hépatologie Cancer | HENRI MONDOR

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Detection and quantification
of viral genomes


Detection, generally associated with the quantification of viral genomes (DNA or RNA of the virus), is an essential element for direct diagnosis in virology. Indeed, the presence of the viral genome is an indication of viral multiplication at the site of the targeted organ. The methods of detection and quantification of viral genomes are principally based on amplification of the target (PCR for “polymerase chain reaction” or TMA for “transcription-mediated amplification”) or amplification of the signal (bDNA for “branched DNA”).

Available Biological Analyses

Detection and quantification of viral RNAs and DNAs are realized using automated systems :





Detection/quantification of HBV ADN (quantification of viral load)

Diagnosis and moritoring of chronic hepatitis B

Therapeutic follow-up of chronic hepatitis B


Cepheid ref.MADGXHBV-VL-CE-10


Roche ref.4894570190


Abbott ref.2G3490

Detection/quantification of HCV RNA (quantification of viral load)

Diagnosis and moritoring of  acute or chronic hepatitis C

Therapeutic follow-up of chronic hepatitis C


Abbott ref.4J8690


Cepheid ref.MADGXHCV-VL-CE-10


Roche ref.5532264190

Detection/quantification of HIV RNA (quantification of viral load)

Diagnosis of HIV infection

Therapeutic follow-up of HIV infection


Roche ref.5212294190


Cepheid ref.MADGXHIV-VL-CE-10

Detection/quantification of HEV RNA (quantification of viral load)

Diagnosis and moritoring of acute or chronic hepatitis E


Altona ref.271013

Detection/quantification of CMV DNA in whole blood (quantification of viral load)

Diagnosis of primary CMV infection

Diagnosis of CMV reactivation

Therapeutic follow-up of CMV infection

Rotor-Gene Q

Qiagen ref.4503363

Detection/quantification of EBV DNA in whole blood (quantification of viral load)

Diagnosis of EBV reactivation

Diagnosis of EBV-associated lymphoproliferation

Therapeutic follow-up of EBV infection

Rotor-Gene Q

Qiagen ref.4501363

Detection/quantification of BK virus DNA in urine sample or whole blood (quantification of viral load)

Moritoring of kidney transplant
Etiological diagnosis of hemorrhagic cystitis

Rotor-Gene Q

Qiagen ref.4514363

Detection/quantification of HHV-6DNA in  whole blood (quantification of viral load)

Etiological diagnosis of fevers or encephalitis of an immunocompromised host

Rotor-Gene Q

Elitech ref.RTS036PLD

Qualitative detection of HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA

Etiological diagnosis of encephalitis (HSV-1) and meningitis (HSV-2)


Biomérieux ref.69-004B

Qualitative detection of VZV DNA

Etiological diagnosis of vesicular legions Etiological diagnosis of viral meningitis


Biomerieux ref.69-004B

Qualitative detection of Enterovirus DNA

Etiological diagnosis of viral meningitis


Cepheid ref.MADGXEV-100N-10

Qualitative detection of HHV-6 DNA except for whole blood (other samples)

Etiological diagnosis of fevers or encephalitis of an immunocompromised host

Rotor-Gene Q

Elitech ref.RTS036PLD

Qualitative detection of HHV-8 DNA

Etiological diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma, serous lymphoma, Castleman's disease

Rotor-Gene Q

Elitech ref.RTS038PLD

Qualitative detection of parvorirus B19 DNA

Diagnosis of primary parvovirus B19 infection

Etiological diagnosis of anemia in immunocompromised patiens
Etiological diagnosis of anemia in patients with hemoglobinopathies

Rotor-Gene Q

Elitech ref.RTS070PLD

Qualitative detection of adenovirus DNA

Etiological diagnosis of gastroenteritis and viral resembling pneumonia

Etiological diagnosis of severe infections in immunocompromised patients


Biomérieux ref.69-010B

Qualitative detection of zika virus RNA

Etiological diagnosis of a virus from an at-rick area

Rotor-Gene Q

Altona ref.591013

Multiple qualitative detection of genomes of respiratory viruses : respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus/enterovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza, influenza A (H1N1, H3N2) et B viruses

Etiological diagnosis of acute pneumonia


ref. RFIT-ASY-0136


Qualitative detection of influenza A virus RNA (flu)

Etiological diagnosis of acute pneumonia


Cepheid ref.MADGXFLU/RSV-CE-10

Qualitative detection of influenza B virus RNA (flu)


Cepheid ref.MADGXFLU/RSV-CE-10

Qualitative detection of respiratory syncytial virus RNA


Cepheid ref.MADGXFLU/RSV-CE-10

Norovirus qualitative PCR

Suspected viral Gastroenteritis


Cepheid ref.MADGXNOV-CE-10



The Laboratory of Virology is equipped with several automated systems designed to detect and quantify viral genomes:

  • 1 PANTHER real-time PCR extractor/thermocycler (Hologic)
  • 1 COBAS AmpliPrep automatic nucleic acids extractor (Roche Molecular Systems) coupled with 1 COBAS Taqman 96 real-time PCR thermocycler (Roche Molecular Systems)
  • 1 m2000SP automatic nucleic acids extractor (Abbott Molecular) coupled with 1 m2000RT real-time PCR thermocycler (Abbott Molecular)
  • 3 QIAsymphony Extractor SP/AS (Qiagen)

  •  1 ABI7300real-time PCR thermocycler (Applied Biosystems)
    • 2 StepOnePlus real-time PCR thermocyclers (Applied Biosystems)
    • 2 Rotor-Gene Q thermocyclers (Qiagen)
    • 1 Filmarray (BioMérieux)
    • 2 ABI GENEAMP 2700 thermocycler (Applied Biosystems)
    • 2 Veriti thermocycler (Applied Biosystems)